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9 Muses in the Ancient World


In those ancient times nine beautiful daughters were born, the Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, each of who, had the good fortune to be endowed with special graces. All these graces they did not keep them to themselves but gave them generously to the gods and people to become more rich in thought and emotions, make their lives better.

They donated the Music, the language of angels and Apollo. Poetry, speaking painting. Dance, harmony of body movement. The Theatre, the gladness of the soul and mind. Astronomy, for the exploration of the universe, with its satellites and galaxies, the star of dawn and Aposperitis.

So, erected in antiquity a huge scene was  set starring nine Muses who danced, sang and taught fine arts, this masterpiece of all time.

Clio: Muse of history. Symbols were the bugle, the hourglass and illustrated with parchment and a laurel wreath on her head.

Calliope: First of all and most respected patron of epic poetry, muse of “evglotia”. She is illustrated usually with gold crown on her head, holding plate and stylus and often with the Homeric epics on her knees.

Polyhymnia: Initially the muse that inspired hymns and songs in honor of the gods. In the performances we see her thoughtful with long cloak and veil.

Terpsichore: Muse of lyric poetry and dance. Found seated holding a lyre.

Erato: Muse of matrimonial hymn or love poetry with symbol lyre.

Euterpe: Daughter of music. Later named muse of lyric poetry. Originally belonging to the entourage of Dionysus. Her symbol was the double flute.

Thalia: Muse of bucolic poetry and comedy. Pictured with ivy wreath and holding in her right hand mask theater and left a rod.

Melpomene: Muse of tragedy. Pictured next to Dionysus, wearing a tragedy mask or holding the tragedy mask in one hand and a knife in the other.

Urania: Muse of astronomy and astrology. Typically found in the performances holding on her right arm a compass and on the left a heavenly realm.